For the Eid and Janaazah prayers, is it legislated to raise the hands with the takbeers (besides the first one)?
Shaikh al-Albaani:“No, it is not legislated.”
[1] in reference to the Janaazah prayer in particular, the Shaikh – after saying that he didn’t find any evidence in the Sunnah for this being legislated and so does not consider it being legislated – also mentioned: “Al-Bayhaqee narrated (4/44) with an authentic chain of narration from Ibn ‘Umar that he used to raise his hands with every takbeer of the Janaazah prayer. So whoever thinks that he would not do that except due to it being established from the Prophet ﷺ, then he may raise his hands” (Ahkaam ul-Janaa.izi wa Bida’uhaa, p.148)
[silsilat ul-hudaa wa nnoor 428/18 / asaheeha translations]