A diet that protects you all your lifetime

A diet prescribed by a doctor or a food specialist has become a shelter for those who suffer from overweight. It is a good way for rapid disposal of fats that had been accumulated in bodies and blew bellies as a result of bad food habits which exacerbated among people of different ages in our time, represented in the growing demand for purchasing fast food and snacks that usually abound with oxidized oils, industrial fats and flavors, or because of eating large amounts of favorite food and drinks along with the lack of movement in general, and the lack of any sport practices.

If some diets are necessary in severe cases of overweight under medical supervision, they often are of little use to the people who suffer from obesity. Despite it is useful sometimes and people who adopt it lose some weight, they gain weight again after they ceased, and perhaps the result will be worse than it was before starting the diet. The question arises here is: Does it mean that we continue on this diet which people do not like to avoid weight gain and preserve the health of our bodies? Is there a better alternative?

Solution exists and it is affordable for those who seek it. If you are complaining of weight gain and ill health -not for any health reason that requires the visit of a doctor- all you have to do is to act according to the Prophetic guidance that was mentioned in the Hadith: “No man fills a container worse than his stomach. A few morsels that keep his back upright are sufficient for him. If he has to, then he should keep one-third for food,
one-third for drink and one-third for his breathing.”

Start with this Prophetic diet and try it yourself for sometime before knocking the doors of doctors and therapists, for it is an easy recipe as long as life goes on, and you shall find guaranteed results that bring comfort to your body and make you happy by the will of Allah. It is a type of diet that overcomes any other recipe that does not have any side effects or harms as other recipes have, moreover it is not dedicated for someone in particular but it is for all people. It implies the extract of wisdom in a way that benefits the people in this field, as it is not hard for the people. All you have to do is to own a free will to constrain your desires even if they are lawful, and accustom yourself to stop when starting to feel full or before that if you can. Avoid reaching satiety that spoils the comfort of the body and disturb the clarity of mind and bring about inactivity and laziness which lead to negligence in the performance of acts of worship and businesses properly, not to mention their devastating effects for health and weight gain which is a precursor and a catalyst for many diseases.