With all credibility and reality, the reality of our Arab communities today, unfortunately, imposes doubtful concepts and reality and declares clearly:
Do not hang your happiness on anyone no matter how unique and spectacular he is in time, place, and location even if he has collected all acquaintance, sciences, affection, religion, and virtue and advances its slogan: Do not hang your happiness and future on someone even if he seems to be like a magnificent garden or a comprehensive factory which produces all happiness, hope, love, appreciation, loyalty, safety, religion, inspiration, and others.
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
If you provided happiness to anyone, by Allah, he will not preserve your sincerity, and will not show sincerity to you as showed to him, and he shall not appreciate your fear and interest for him; and experiments in our communities are bitter.
If you are looking for happiness, let it be known that it comes from inside; yes it comes from inside not from outside.
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
If you think that it is possible that someone provides a permanent happiness to you that would transfer you from the world of hope and puts you at the gates of serenity, safety, self-reassurance, and looking satisfactory toward a safe future, then you should know that you have thought ill.
Dear sir, Do not deceive yourself and live reality, illusion, fantasy, and dreams are taking us backward and because of which we have lost ourselves before anything else because those whom you were truthful with were not truthful, and those whom you favored to yourself have done nothing for you but betrayal to someone else, then sold you out at a low price!
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
Do not exaggerate in your love, care, or fear for someone to the extent of forgetting your interest and yourself, and do not raise the ceiling of your expectations, hopes, and dreams as long as that person is ordinary.
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
By Allah, if you grant someone you love everything: Your spirit, your truthfulness, your sincerity, your interest, he shall grant you disappointment, ignorance, negligence, and lack of care, but caring of other than you then ignoring what is familiar or expected.
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
No matter how terrific, truthful, sacrificing, generous, and loyal you are to anyone, he shall not be truthful with you as you were. He will not give you part of his interest, as you did, will not visit you as you did, and will not be loyal as you were to him. You will be in a maze when you know the reason for treating you differently, especially when you find him own all reasons and follows every way which made you check your calculations again.
You will be in a maze when he slanders you, and you find it hard to forget or forgive him, especially after he left an injury in you and caused you troubles or blackened your hope.
Is not it our reality?
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
Keeping promises, covenants, and truces has become rare.
I tell you truthfully and honestly: If someone makes you happy someday, happiness will not be sincere. Be sure that it will be temporary, for he may create it on the basis of interest or benefit or link it with an event or a situation, and when the interest ends or finds a replacement, he will cast you away. He will make up reasons and will search for every means as if you have become a constraint to him. Then, he will be a gate of a psychological hell to you.
Dear sir, do not deceive yourself and live reality:
Be sure that happiness is inside you and lies before your eyes.
Happiness in you not in someone else.
Dear sir, this is reality, so do not be made at my frankness, for this is a reality we live. Some may say: You are blacking reality or blacking people’s lives.
By Allah, this is reality which we live in our Arab and Muslim societies.
Dear sir, I say it sincerely for the sake of Allah: Be sure that no one will make an everlasting happiness for you except Allah, but if you believe that you shall achieve happiness with someone else, or search for it with someone else, or seek it from someone else, know that you are not realistic or logic, but rather dreaming and will not gain but disappointment.
A divine reality:
With Allah, there is no disappointment but you shall gain the most beautiful hope.
With Allah, you shall find an eternal happiness that lasts forever.
None but your Creator will be keen to you, however others shall have no truthfulness, keenness, care or happiness to you.
As long as you seek happiness from Allah alone not from anyone else, be sure you shall be happy, live happily, you will be safe, reassured, and comfortable.
Peace be upon the truthful until the Day of Recompense.