Failure is the first step to success

Failure is good if it leads to success

Any fool can take benefit from his profits, but the smart person is the one who benefits from his losses.

If you make a mistake in a try, or fail in a project, marriage, or exam, do not call it failure, but consider it as attempts to know the things which may corrupt your next job to avoid, so do not give up to failure and concerns; who among people did not make a mistake? Who among the earlier did not fail sometimes?

Failure is the first degree in the ladder of success and failure is the road map to success, but a person must endure hardship and whoever does so shall find the light of the morning.

Error is the spark that ignites the lamp to illuminate the house, error is the beginning of holding the pen to write volumes of right things, error is the evidence to your mankind.

The first error is proof of your courage and bravery.

The second error is the proof of your forbearance and patience.

The third error is a proof to your true seeking of right.

The fourth error is success after success.

Thomas Edison, the inventor whose invention (the lamp) prevailed worldwide, tried more than 99 tries to achieve his invention and did not call them failure tries, but called them experiments that did not work. Here we may learn from him patience, self-confidence, and optimism. He also says: I learned 99 methods during which the lamp does not work.

See how did he consider failure a success?

This English scientist managed to discover a medicine for syphilis, which he called “606,” do you know why this number in particular?

It was the number of failure attempts which he made to discover the suitable medicine until he discovered this medicine.

Einstein, the genius scientist and the owner of the theory of relativity in physics said that his results and attempts were 99% wrong, however he did not despair, and failure did not affect his determination.

However, the problem is when we fail to achieve something we want, some of us want to close the door and place a red wax on it and heavy chains to die and do not open it another time, but some of us keep trying again and again and say: I try this time and if I do not succeed, I will try again.

Therefore, I am going to narrate a story to you:

One of circus’  owners bought a young elephant, then he chained it to confine its movements and when it went forward the chain would drag it back, and it was unable to break it because of its young age and weakness.

The elephant grew up and became huge and whenever it grows up, the owner would expand the chain to fit his leg. Days passed and the elephant has fully grown up but it had the belief that it is unable to break it.

After many years, the elephant died as a prisoner of that chain, and it missed that by only one hit, it would break the chain which chained it all its life long.

However, unfortunately it did not try to break it. Many of us may try one time or two and when he fails, he stops and failure accompanies him so many years, even if conditions change and hindrances are removed, he still remember his previous defeat which prevents him from thinking in trying again.

A Muslim should imitate an ant in its tries. It climbs the wall with a load double its size and falls one time after another then it overcomes this difficulty and climbs the hindrance whether a wall or a tree. It did not achieve its goal but after so many tries; thus people should observe patience until they reach their goals and achieve their hopes.