When you choose to be a husband, you sign implicitly on a double responsibility: of being a husband and of being a father. It is a pledge between you and the Lord of the world that must be fulfilled from the very beginning. If you begin a good start and accept that trust with contentment and desire to fulfill it, you will find the matter easy and desirable to you, moreover you shall be helped by Allah in all your steps; just dedicate your intention to Allah in order to make your offspring good and beneficial to the nation.
Fatherhood is a treasure that not many can get, and some people wish to pay his life to have a child. Therefore, always remember to be grateful by good usage of bounties and be a kind father who builds and does not destruct.
He is deprived of good, the one who deprives himself of seeing his children walking their first steps, listening to their first words, hearing their innocent laughs during their play, and enjoying the warmth of their little bosoms.
A father who wants to see his children polite and obedient has to instill in their hearts the seed of attaching to him in order to see them more keen to obey him, treat him kindly, and please his heart. You will not feel happy with your children if you abandon them while they are in dire need to you in the years of seeding, undertaking, and caring.
You shall become tired, feel pain, and suffer during your fatherhood, but it is desirable pain because after which comes comfort and reassurance. As for suffering, you will realize its value when you see them growing up before your eyes while they appreciate your effort with them and referring to you saying: thus our father taught us. So, fill your heart with the feelings of fatherhood and give all attention and care to your children to enable them to live a healthy and balanced life to enjoy along with your nation with a special generation.