Modern communication technology (term)

Definition of technology in linguistics: Technology is divided into two syllables, the first is “techno” which is derived from the Greek word “Techno” which means profession or craft. The second is “Logy” which is derived from the Greek word “Logos” which means knowledge or study. [Qandalgy, 2003, 331].

Some people see that the first part is derived from the word “technique” which is translated into Arabic as “technology or technologies,” whereas some people give it to applied science or technical method which achieves a certain purpose or the used methods which provide all people’s necessities and welfare. [Ibis, 331].

The idiomatic definition of technology:

Through following-up the definitions of modern scientists and researchers to the word “technology” it becomes clear that the concept of technology traces back to three meanings according to the following:

1- Investment of cognizance: Taken from theories, and researches results and applications. Therefore technology is defined as: Employing scientific knowledge to meet man’s needs and develop society. [Al Qudah 1997, 57].

2- The outcome of investing cognizance: Which includes equipments, tools, machineries, inventions, and all means resulting from the practical application of scientific cognizance. Therefore, technology is known as: “Different types of methods that are used to produce necessary needs for man’s comfort and his continuity.” [Qandalgy, 2003, 331].

3- Practical usages of the outcome of investing cognizance: Which means the set of information and necessary skills to deal with equipments resulting from the investment of scientific cognizance so that a person can get the needed goals. Hence, technology is defined as “All methods which people use in their inventions and discoveries to meet their needs and fulfill their desires. [World Arabic encyclopedia].

By reviewing the previous definitions, it becomes evident that some people look at technology as a source of modern machineries and equipments which man uses. Other people look at it differently as something opposes the nature of spiritual life, and technology from this point of view has led to more material benefits to humans.

Some people define technology as two complementary elements: The material and intellectual elements (Scientific and methodological). [`Alamud-Din, 1990, 18].

Material element includes machineries and equipments as well as different engineering and artistic constructions.

Intellectual element (scientific and methodological) includes cognizance bases -techniques and methodology- which produce these ready-made material units.

Both elements are mixed, interfered, and completed, because the absence of one of the two elements drops the existence of the other.