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Tag: Zakat


Zakah is an obligation tha...

Benefits of Zakah

From its benefits are the ...

Zakaat al fitr

This 22 page booklet contains the fiqh (Understanding of shari'ah) of zakaat (Compulsory charity). How and when to pay zakaat and its beneficiaries. Written by Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid.

Fiqh az zakat – volu...

Fiqh az zakat - volume 2 by Dr. Yusuf al-Qardawi is a 346 page book discussing the fiqh (Understanding of Shari'ah) of Zakat. Zakat is the compulsory 2.5% poor tax Muslims must pay during Ramadan.

Fiqh az zakat – volu...

Fiqh az zakat - volume 1 by Dr. Yusuf al-Qardawi is a 310 page book discussing the fiqh (Understanding of Shari'ah) of Zakat. Zakat is the compulsory 2.5% poor tax Muslims must pay during Ramadan.

Book of Zakaah

A 26 page booklet by Sheikh Abdul-Azeez ibn Baaz, outlines the fiqh of Zakaat, its calculation and obligations by those who can pay. Great book and easy to read!