Janin: Mother, the teacher of arts said that I have a sweet voice and I shall have a promising future with singing.
The mother: Indeed, Allah granted you a nice voice, but may Allah guide the teacher of arts to the truth for encouraging you to sins.
Janin: Why is that, mother? Why did Allah grant me such a gift if it is prohibited to use?
The mother: O sweetheart, Allah may grant you a sweet voice as He grants you another gift such as drawing, beauty, good shape, longness, or money. The blessings of Allah are countless, so how should we use each one of them? Should we use them in disobeying Him?! The one who uses his or her sweet voice in reciting the Qur’an and directs his or her gift in purposeful chants shall be the winner because he or she uses it in the best manner. However, the one who uses her beauty in acting, dancing, or fashion has committed a sin.
Janin: I have understood, mother. You are the best and always take my hand to the right direction.
The mother: Therefore, I shall register you in the chanting band to use your gift properly.
Janin: Thank you mother. I love you.