Certain international organizations and bodies to approve agreements that do not respect the privacy of Muslim women and do not take into account any other references whether cultural or religious in an attempt to impose Western-style on Arab and Islamic societies.
In the paper discussed by the third session of the conference held in Manama under the title of (the Conference of the conventions and international conferences on women and their impact on the Muslim world) Dr. Nuha Qatrajy confirmed that since the establishment of the United Nations institutions, they have attempted to implement their recommendations, programs, resolutions, conventions, and charters on the Member States, through the establishment of organizations and supporting committees. These committees include the Commission on the Status of Women appendant to the United Nations, the United Nations Population Fund, United Nations Development Fund for Women, the International Institute for Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, and the Committee of Eliminating discrimination against women.
Qatrajy revealed that the role of women’s organizations in implementing the United Nations programs is organizing the United Nations’ conferences, monitoring the implementation of CEDAW Agreement, lifting of reservations (Lebanon as a model), and offering international support for Arab women’s organizations.
She added that the negative effects of such support are represented in the transformation of organizations of foreign funding into tools to pass globalization, penetration and affecting communities with the intention of dominance and affecting national sovereignty. In his paper, entitled (external pressure to force States to implement the recommendations of the conferences and conventions of Women) Dr. Fou’ad Al `Abd Al Karim, the general director of Bahithat Center for women’s studies in Riyadh, said: These pressures varied between political, diplomatic, legal, economic, and media, pressures, pointing out that there are bodies inside the United Nations itself have exercised pressure to apply the international conventions relating to women. Of these bodies are: the Commission on the Status of Women, Division for the Advancement of Women, the CEDAW Committee, in addition to bodies dependent to the United Nations such as: the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM (UNIFE), United Nations Fund for Population.
He added: There are other international bodies exercised pressure, such as the International Labor Organization (TLO), the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Amnesty International: Human Rights Watch: (World Bank – IMF – World Trade Organization). There are some Western governments, including the United States of America, Britain, France, Netherlands, Germany, and a number of media and Western news agencies that participated in the pressure process.
Several elastic names were used, which do not contradict pure nature nor divine codes in order that everyone accepts. Of these names that contradict the concepts to what they call: The term of empowering women which means and calls to women’s access to decision-making centers as well as their economic and social independence. The term of sexual health which means and calls to the freedom of having illicit sexual relationships along with protecting oneself from being infected by sexually transmitted diseases. Likewise, the term of violence against women which means and calls to repeal certain rulings of Islamic Shari`ah relating to women, such as custody, guardianship…etc, and considering them forms of violence against women. Moreover, the term of discrimination against women, which means and calls for the abolition of any law, system, or legislation where there is no equality between men and women.Dr. Fou’ad Al `Abd Al Karim also denoted to the use of some names that do not reflect their reality.
He also said: One of the claims that these bodies call to and contradict the Islamic law in the same time are: the abolition of Shari`ah rulings relating to inheritance, guardianship, divorce, custody, freedom of thought and belief of children, sexual freedom, making homosexuality lawful, and identification of childhood below 18 years of age.